Monday 26 April 2010

Tannin'ell- SUNBEDS

Ok, I absolutely love sunbeds! I don't care what the risks are of skin cancer, or if they'll make my skin leathery by the time I'm 30. I LOVE them, I think having a tan is the best feeling in the world. Clothes look better when you're tanned, it makes me feel happier, I even feel thinner with a tan! And not just sunbeds, who wants to go on holiday and come back as pale as christmas? Nobody! Everyone's proud of their white bits when they get back from a week or two abroad. Although I am aware that using sunbeds, and being exposed in the sun alot can heighten my chances of getting skin cancer. Alot of my family have had cancer and recovered and my dad even died of cancer so chances would say I'll probably get it anyway! So I think why not? It saves me the hassle of having to put tan on repeatedly and smelling of potatos, and it look a bit healthier.

Celebrities are on the cover of our magazines, doing television interviews and adverts looking tangoed! So it's only natural that people follow in their footsteps. Although I do understand that people do not agree with the use of sunbeds I'm not stupid in doing so. I always ensure that I put cream on my body before I go on and always wear goggles to protect my eyes. All in all, I know it may harm me or heighten my chances of cancer, but I could get cancer from doing nothing wrong at all. So for now, I'll continue using them to make myself look and feel better.
I might even consider buying one for my house...

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a very relevant blog, i completely agree with the majority of what youve included in this. I use sunbeds probably twice a week and i no the risk especially with my pale moley skin but i cant help but love having a tan and feeling better with one. I look forward to every holiday cause i love coming back with a tan and wearing all my lighter coloured clothes to make me look even more tanned.
    Yes i agree there are risks but there are risks with everything, nobody knows whats going to happen when they step out their front door everyday so if you think about it like that why not enjoy what you love doing while you can.
    Its thrown in our faces everyday and at every magazine we look at celebs wearing gorgeous clothes they we all would love to have all looking sunkissed and the better for it... We all just want to look nice so i agree with you completely...
