Having read Em's blog about incest I do feel a bit freaked out to be honest, to think that some people 'experiment' with their sexuality with their siblings is vile!
I'm speaking as an only child so I can safely say that I have never had an urge to 'play' with my non-existent siblings, in saying that I haven't felt an attraction to any other of my family members. Hence my utter disgust in reading about the case of Josef Fritzl.
How ironic as I'm writing this 'I'm having a baby with my Gran' is a headline in The Sun newspaper! Perhaps incest is more common than originally thought, as do the articles in Emily's blog do suggest.
My boyfriend has got a younger sister, and thankfully for me he doesn't feel any physical attraction towards her!
Perhaps Freud's Oedipus Complex is a theory that encourages siblings or parents to embrace their attraction to their family member. But then again it's not something I or Emily know about therefore we're just disgusted by the issue in general.
Visit my incest blog https://incestintheunitedstates.blogspot.com/