Thursday 22 April 2010

Binge Drinking..

Binge drinking is something that is a supposed 'huge problem' in our country in 2010. Young people are the main contributers to this problem and if I'm bein honest I think that there are worse things going on than people having a few too many to drink. I'm sure that if you asked your parents and even grandparents they will recall going out on a friday/saturday night and drinking a few too many and doing things they wouldn't normally have done without a drink inside them. However it is today that people are meant to be ashamed of their 'binge drinking', although in actual fact it has been going on many years before now. Although I do admit that perhaps, the amount that people drink has grown over the years and their behaviour when drunk has dramatically changed. For example violence between young lads when they've had a pint or ten in town on a saturday night has dramatically increased. I do not condone this kind of violent behaviour and I'm quite glad that there are so many bouncers and police within our towns on the weekend to ensure the safety of other innocent party-goers.

At the same time, if students that work hard or people that work hard all week want to go out at the weekend I don't see why it is such a big thing. In saying that, although it is important to enjoy yourself and be safe whilst drinking alcohol it is eqaually important that you drink responsibly. Thus, it can prevent accidents from happening, violence from occuring and also from losing your dignity.
Some may claim that binge drinking can have another series side: addiction. However, if you or if someone you know seems to be drinking more than you should on a regular basis then it's so easy to find help before you're caught in the trap!

1 comment:

  1. I like the piece of advice at the end. A very imformative blog. Maybe you could have included a bit about what is being done to prevent binge drinking, and also why people binge drink, e.g. student nights at clubs with cheap alcohol. Also you mentioned violence between young lads which sounded a bit generalised but it is only really a select few, most will stay out of trouble, plus it isn't always just lads causing the trouble.
